VA Tucson: Upgrade Chillers

Through an IDIQ contract, Apogee was tasked with providing design services to upgrade chillers and cooling towers at the Tucson VAMC. The chiller plant building is designated as Building 40 and the cooling tower yard is located east of the chiller plant building.

The current chiller plan consists of four chillers, four cooling towers, three condenser water units, and three chilled water pumps. Site survey indicated that the chillers were nearing the end of their useful life. The team recommended replacement of all four chillers with new high efficiency chillers sized to meet current and future cooling demand.

The existing controls will be replaced with new DDC controls and chiller optimization controls. Because the new chillers will be larger, the quantity of refrigerant in each chiller we be greater than the existing chillers. Our mechanical engineer designed a new emergency ventilation system for the chiller plant room to meet the requirements of the new chiller plant.

It is important that chilled water supply is maintained to the buildings connected to the chilled water distribution system during the construction and upgrade of the chiller plant. Phasing included installing temporary 500-ton air cooled rental chillers until the new chillers are installed, and then reconnect the new chillers into the system.

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